Thursday, September 13, 2007

We went hiking for my birthday so I thought we would share a few photos. Then last weekend we went camping and climbing, on both occasions we brought our little camera so the quality is not the best but at least you will be able to see what we have been up to.

jon with his walking stick


aiden, jim and mom

chad and jon

mom and aiden--jimmy and jonny


mom and jonny running/hiking

jimmy and aiden walking

jimmy hiking

when we went climbing up at horse tooth we put preston in his car seat, so this is chad with preston and jonathan

chad and I climbed a big boulder at horse tooth


jonny in his bag

chad with aiden in his glasses


aiden climbing a very little boulder

Jonny climbing a very little boulder

jimmy and me

chad and I were loving the view

our little campfire that burned out really fast
It was really really cold this weekend so needless to say we didn't get many pics

1 comment:

Reva Canali said...

I love the camping and hiking pics :)
The wedding photos are beautiful.
I miss you all SO much.